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Pay-per-click advertising, commonly referred to as PPC advertising, is an effective online marketing strategy. You can call it search engine marketing as well, and is used to drive traffic to your website. When users type certain keywords in a search engine, PPC Ads that are related to those keywords are displayed on the search results page.
Yes, PPC advertising is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital advertising. Because, as an advertiser you pay the publisher (Google or other search engines) only when the ad is clicked on by users. That is why it is named pay-per-click advertising. Compared to other forms of advertising, PPC ads are more affordable.
Pay per click ad appears at the top of search results page. The look and feel of the ads depend on the search engine you have chosen.
If you have a website, and you want it to come up on top in the search results. But this is not easy in an organic way. Using PPC ads, your website appears at the top of SERP, and further customers who are looking specifically for your product or service can see it. Generally, PPC ads are cheaper than other types of advertising.
No exact time frame can be determined; how long does it take to build a website? In general, an average website could take between 6 and 12 weeks to complete, depending on its complexity. However, this is an approximate period, and sometimes projects may take longer due to delays in the approval or feedback of our clients. Our 24/7 customer service is available if you need to find out the precise time frame for your project.
The most popular PPC ad platform is Google Ads (earlier called as Google AdWords). Different types of Google Ads campaigns can be used to achieve specific goals including sales, leads, web traffic etc. There are several other PPC ad platforms such as Bing Ads, Yahoo: Search Ads etc.
A PPC Ad can be a purely text ad. You also can create a PPC ad as a banner, video or product listing. A PPC Ad consists of Headline, Display URL, Destination URL, and Description. There are character limits for PPC ads, and they vary according to platform.
A PPC ad must have the right keywords that enable the ad to appear in popular searches. Several keyword search tools are available that can suggest the best keywords for your PPC Ad. Popular tools include Google Keyword Planner,and Keyword Tool , to name a few.
When creating a PPC ad, the degree of keyword matching is significant. Broad match means customers will see the PPC ad if they enter searches that are “similar” to your keywords. Exact match is different. Here customers will only see the PPC ad if they enter the exact keyword, or keyword phrase in the search query. Negative match is a useful keyword criterion. This option allows you to select certain keywords that should not be linked to your PPC ad. This means, when users search for negative match keywords, your PPC ad will not be displayed.
PPC ads allow three basic targeting options based on device, location and language. You can choose which devices you want to target, such as smartphones and desktops. You can also target people within a specific geographical area. The third, language, allows you to choose a particular language for the ad.