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Landing Page Design Services

Our landing pages complement digital marketing and business growth by tracking customer engagements and capturing visitor data.

A landing page is a web page that users visit after clicking a link, usually an ad. Businesses can use landing pages to make the most of advertising campaigns. Landing pages are crucial to the success of any digital marketing campaign. Best landing pages encourage visitors to take action, including making a purchase or submitting a contact form with details. Thus, landing pages serve the purpose of generating business leads by capturing visitors’ data.

A website landing page or app landing page can generate new leads and boost sales. Though landing pages are diverse in nature, each has its own benefits, and serves a particular goal. For instance, a product landing page, which is a post-click page, is specifically designed to promote and sell products by persuading visitors through a call to action. It aims at conversions, and as such features conversion-focused elements to make visitors click the CTA button.

mailchimp landing page - volga tigris

Diverse options

Digital marketers use a variety of landing pages, and one such landing page is the Mailchimp landing page. Mailchimp landing pages are highly useful to build your audience and promote brands, products and services. Published landing pages can be easily shared on the web or across Mailchimp campaigns, and can easily drive traffic instantly. Sign-up forms can enhance their value. Another landing page that is gaining popularity is the Shopify landing page. A Shopify landing page is a stand-alone page on your store. It is aimed at achieving a predefined conversion goal. One of the most popular landing pages is the WordPress landing page. A WordPress landing page is a page designed to capture visitors’ contact details by providing them special offers, free subscriptions to company newsletters, or learning resources such as eBooks and whitepapers. It is interesting to learn about the various types of website Landing Pages. A squeeze page, also known as a lead capture page or an opt-in page, aims to squeeze or extract information out of the visitor. This information can be personal data, such as name, email, and/or phone number. By sharing these data, the user gets one or more benefits such as free content such as e-books, infographics, email list sign-up etc.

A squeeze page usually lacks any navigation options except a call-to-action button to submit the requested information. Elements of a squeeze page include a headline, copy, images, and a form. Newly established businesses can use squeeze pages to build their email and social media marketing list by offering gated content. Tech startups in beta stages of product development also rely on squeeze pages.

On the other hand, long-form landing pages, also known as sales letters, are infomercials containing repeating content describing the features and benefits of products and services. With a compelling and detailed copy, these landing pages strongly persuade the user take a decision in favor of purchasing the business offering. It time and again reassures the visitors that their decision to buy the product or service is worth it. They use the FOMO (fear of missing out) factor very effectively.

Usually, a long-form landing page has a persuasive copy with a word strength of over 7,000, and is used to sell an item by targeting almost ready-to-buy people who are at the bottom of the sales funnel. The disadvantage of long-form landing pages is the time and effort or investment required to create extensive copy.

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One for the Clicks

Yet another landing page, the click-through page, provides compelling context that persuades people to visit a transaction page. Click-through landing pages convert leads into conversions and sales by highlighting the details and benefits of specific products or services. There’s no option to navigate out of the page except a purchase button. A click-through landing page must have a headline and catchy graphics/videos, product benefits, and a call-to-action button.
A favorite of ecommerce firms, click-through landing pages usually target customers who are scared of the “buy” button. With the call-to-action button designed to be friendly, and not pushy, the customer is not stressed to buy.

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website landing page - volga tigris

Got nice products?

Now we take a look at a product details page. This page exists on a business’ main website. Such pages contain the complete information about a product or service. Visitors can gain a complete understand the product and its benefits and choose to buy the product or contact a sales representative for further discussions.
Product details pages are different from other landing pages in that they provide navigation options to move out of the page. Such pages carry product images and descriptions. They also publish testimonials from satisfied customers and lots of social proof.

As a product details page is located within the main website, they are easy and cost-effective to create. These pages are ideal to inform both organic and paid visitors about product features and benefits. Businesses with seasonal products or services stand to gain immensely from product details pages that are designed in a professional manner with all the right elements stuffed in a compelling manner. They are found to enhance conversion rates significantly.

Coming closely are the product landing pages. A product landing page is a web page that is used to promote or sell products and services. Visitors land on it after clicking on a paid ad or email newsletter link or through social media posts, or after clicking on a search result. The focus here is more on prodding the visitors to purchase a product.

video landing page - volga tigris

Dynamic content

Finally, let’s examine what is a video landing page. A video landing page is essentially a persuasive sales video. Positioned above the fold, a video landing page can have a single video, or a video with a great copy. To make sure visitors watch the entire video, offers are usually made available only after the video is played completely.
The video should inform the viewer about the major features and benefits of the product or service and generate a heightened hype for it. Videos can be a little bit long, but not so long as to make the user lose interest. A video landing page should have a catchy headline along with the video, but can have a compelling copy and graphics as well. They can be used especially for premium products or for gated, valuable content.

Videos are a form of content appreciated and enjoyed by the new generation. Videos can score where text content, especially long-form content, may fail. Engaging videos are capable of retaining viewer’s attention much longer than web pages.

The advantage of video landing pages is that they are suitable for any type of business. If you have products or services that are visually appealing, or are linked to academic products such as courses, video landing pages can be used to promote them easily. In fact they are considered the visual cousin of long-form sales letters.

video landing page - volga tigris
best landing pages - volga tigris

Choose wisely

Confused as to which landing page to use for your business? As is obvious, no landing page type is perfectly crafted for all kinds of products or services. A/B testing can be done to decide on the most suitable landing page. It all depends on the type of product or service, the target audience and the scope of marketing. As the leading designer of landing pages, Volga Tigris offers customized, cost-effective and optimized landing pages that help you enhance leads and conversions, and boost sales.


A landing page is a stand-alone or website-linked page that users visit after clicking a link, usually an ad. Businesses use landing pages as part of their advertising strategy.
Landing pages are used across ad campaigns, including Google, Facebook and LinkedIn Ads. They are used to capture leads organically as well, by using CTAs on websites and blogs.
Stand-alone landing pages. It will be difficult to drive a single action using your website as your landing page.
It varies according to goal of your landing page. If the goal is to subscribe for your newsletter, then basic fields such as Name and Email ID are enough.