Posted At: Aug 02, 2024 - 270 Views

Let Volga Tigris Give Your Brand’s Image That Boost

Volga Tigris gives your brand’s image that boosts and Thinks your brand has been wearing the same outfit for quite some time and could do with a bit of makeover. Well, that’s what rebranding is all about, and if you seriously think your company needs one, we at Volga Tigrisare here to assist you. While this may seem like quite some work, who doesn’t like a new look, and not to forget, the attention that comes along with it? Yes, we make your efforts worth it. That being said, let us look at some of the examples that show how they made rebranding worth it:


From a brand that was once known for its gabardine and trench coats in black, tan, and red, Burberry soon put away the gang wear impression by introducing savvy new clothes that are now considered modern and classic.


You know, laden with a lot of sauce and mayonnaise dripping with every bite in advertisements, McDonald's soon realized they were a major reason the world was getting fat and didn’t take a long time to do the needful. Today, you have a generous helping of salads so you can stop by when on a diet too.


Who knew that a mere tagline could make so much of a difference? While “always low prices” is not something that promises quality, “Save money, live better” is more like what it is! And today, the supermarket has a much larger number of people flocking in, making it one of the world’s largest public corporations.


Well, we all know this one, don’t we? Where was Apple till the maybe 2000s? Then came the arrival of iPods, iPads, iMacs, and such with their combination of elegance and reliability, both of which a consumer needs, right? And didn’t his creativity pay off?


UPS was facing tough competition. And then, one day, the brand decided to change its slogan. And that made all the difference. Its creative ads with interesting customers better convinced its customers of what it could do for them.

Corn Syrup

Now, we knew that this was going to contain a lot of sugar and so chose to avoid it. So, maybe a change of name was what was needed to better understand its benefit. Introducing Corn Sugar! Now, is that a healthier option?


This age-old name was giving the youngsters of today the impression of being a traditional old shop where their parents and grandparents came for their music. Now, The Shack sounds cooler and has proved to be better!


Abbreviations in names never go well, because they are so boring! Now, Principles sounds better. And the brand has actually taken the job of branding seriously with better visual motifs and cultural icons to convey its message better.


Women with boring containers are one of the first images that came to the mind of someone who hears the word Tupperware. Well, the brand was smart enough to detect that and come out with a splash of colours that these containers are available in and making quite a lot of sales today!

Banz Carewear

You know, mothers have a lot of things on their minds already, so you better be clear about your message if you have anything to offer to them. Banz Care Wear was smart enough to realize that and came up with a focused message behind its varied products that mothers could later relate with.

A Lesson From Myntra

The recent change in the Myntra logo has become the talk of the town, hasn’t it? At least in the world of commerce and feminism. Well, this little change, though at a glance could go unnoticed, had some big lessons to teach brand experts in the world of today. To put them all together, we can say, if the public doesn’t like it. Don’t keep it. Myntra changed its new logo right away.

A Look At Some Popular Brands

Ever wondered what makes a brand so popular? Well, let’s look at it by considering a few of the top brands over the world. Well, we spoke about Apple, didn’t we? But then we can’t talk about it enough. Well, let’s say that their main secret was style, combined with some good marketing to work the magic. And then, we can’t leave out Amazon, can we? What’s their secret? Well, can we rightly say quality, variety, loyalty, and reasonable pricing?

How about Microsoft? You thought of that, didn’t you? Ever wondered what’s its secret? See, this brand was very compassionate towards ordinary users and came up with PCs that are more user-friendly and intuitive. Compassion wins. And then, everyone’s favourite! Google, the very source from which you are reading this article right now! Do you need further explanation for this? Next, shall we talk about Samsung? What made this company rise from the stigma to become the first brands that come to mind when you think of, say phones? It’s classy designs and cutting-edge technology.

All kids love Disney, don’t they? And probably you too? What’s special about this brand? The theme parks, of course, are exactly what you were talking about when I first used the term above. Okay, anyone for some Coca-Cola? What’s fun about this brand? Obviously the variety. Chilled bottle in black, orange, and clear, how best to liven up a party on a thirsty afternoon? While not all of us can buy or sell a Mercedes, let us learn something from the brand that sells them. Let’s put it in one word: luxury! And the way it’s advertised. And if you can’t afford a Mercedes, there’s always Toyota. So, why is this brand so popular? Well, it’s mainly because of its huge activity in the global market.

So, How Do You Plan to Rebrand Your Startup?

Well, it’s understood that there is going to be some competition that is going to need a bit of getting used to. However, one thing that most startups are aware of is branding. And one of the first places, to begin with, is your website, the go-to place for every new customer who hears about you, the place of first impressions. And you have digital marketing companies like us to help you out with this. And with that, as we saw in several companies here is the purpose of your brand. Always remember, the more loyal you are, the more successful you are.

What does your logo look like? This is a small part that can make a huge difference. And with digital marketing companies in Dubai like Volga Tigristo help you, you have no excuse here. How do you sound when you speak? How does a customer feel when he hears you talk on the website? Remember that today, successful brands pay good attention to the sound of their voice and do all that it takes to find just the right voice that suits the message of their brand. And finally, if you are not using social media, you are missing out on something crucial, and all you have to do is approach us at Volga Tigris to give you a hand.

And finally, be a creative man! It’s your brand. And if you’re running out of ideas, you always have Volga Tigrisby on your side to come up with creative ideas for you.