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Display Advertising Planning

Promote your products & services, and effectively engage your customers through optimized display advertising

Display Advertisements are a popular online advertising model whose effectiveness comes from its use of text, images, and a URL link to a website where a customer can know about and purchase products or services. Display ads appear on third-party websites. They can have multiple formats and can be static with a simple image, or animated with multiple images, video, or rich media ads.

Businesses use display ads for various goals. While some aim to be informative, others tend to be of an entertaining or engaging nature. In the latter case, they contain games or puzzles. A popular form of display ads are banner ads and are commonly used for brand awareness campaigns. Others include desktop and mobile leaderboard ads. Display advertising planning is crucial to the success of display ad campaigns. The planning essentially takes into consideration the target audience, the type of host websites for the ads, the ad type and the most effective content to be used in the ads.

The benefits of display advertising planning are:

  • Helps to target customers based on the desired demographic profile.
  • Ads can be listed on specific, relevant sites
  • Feedback reports can be used to reformulate strategies
  • Comparatively less marketing cost
  • Co-sharing of ad space
  • Enables geo-targeting

display ads agency - volga tigris

Volga Tigris: Perfect Display Ads Agency

We first define your target audience by researching your business and products. Then we employ a SMART approach to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-specific objectives for the display ads campaign. Next, we develop a workable strategy and move on to designing the most appropriate and effective display ads. Finally, we launch the campaign, and continuously measure the performance, and tweak and optimize it for better results.

Most ads come in rectangular or square formats, and the content is designed in such a way as to align with the design of the host website and the preferences of the target audience. Display advertising campaigns are run on digital ad spaces such as Facebook advertising or Google ads , and the advantage is their effective audience targeting features as well as diverse advertising formats.

Display Ads Planning

Display advertising planning is based on identifying the type of display ad that will serve your marketing purpose. Once this is done, you need to create the most engaging content and graphics for it. The different ad types are discussed here:

remarketing ads - volga tigris

1. Remarketing ads

The most commonly seen display ads are remarketing ads, also referred to as retargeting ads. Here the key is ad personalization based on consumer interests and preferences, as well as offers that satisfy their needs.

An Accenture Interactive study reveals that 91% of consumers prefer to buy from brands that cater to their interests and needs. Retargeting ads work on this principle. An engaging and dynamic remarketing ad campaign helps in strong brand positioning and better customer engagement.

remarketing ads - volga tigris
personalized ads - volga tigris

2. Personalized ads

Interestingly, Google categorizes remarketing ads under personalized advertising. Personalized ads are highly targeted, and are based on customer demographics and previous online buying and interest patterns. Google identifies four types of personalized ads: affinity targeting ads, custom affinity group ads, Custom intent and in-market ads, and similar audience ads.

Affinity targeting is basically ads focused on consumers who have shown an active interest in your brand and products in the past. Custom affinity groups are a more narrowed-down version of affinity targeting ads, with the focus on more specific target groups.

Custom intent and in-market ads target customers who are actively looking for products and services similar to yours. The reach is less than affinity targeting, but the chances of making a purchase are higher.

Similar audience ads target customers who have common interests with your current visitors. Google matches the profiles of people on your remarketing lists with those of current visitors to define this audience.

contextually targeted ads - volga tigris

3. Contextually targeted ads

Contextually targeted ads are displayed on relevant websites based on various criteria such as the ad's theme and keywords, language and location preferences, the host website's content focus, and the site visitors’ browsing histories. Either Google can define the audience or you can do it through topic targeting, where Google allows you to choose or exclude topics from a list and places your ad on matching pages on the display network.

contextually targeted ads - volga tigris
site placed ads - volga tigris

4. Site-placed ads

These ads are placed on specific host websites that are chosen by you. You can select full sites or specific pages within sites.

Asked Questions

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Display ads can be classified into four: Remarketing ads, personalized ads, contextual ads and site-placed ads. What is display ad planning?

Display advertising planning is a process that factors in multiple criteria to decide on the target audience, the type of host websites for the ads, the ad type and the most effective content to be used in the ads.

Volga Tigris offers the best display ad campaign solutions for your business. We have a full team of digital marketing experts and graphic designers to create the most effective display ads for you.