Posted At: Jul 31, 2024 - 244 Views

Where Who, Why Of Digital World

Modern is out. Digital is in.

Admit it; all of us are always on our mobile phones hovering around the internet about whatever of life. We always ask Google about the latest news on how digital marketing helps to survive in this pandemic or if ever we feel something, we consult the internet first before going to the hospital for a checkup or say it to our loved ones. We always ask them what is the recipe for our favourite dishes back home or how many tablespoons in a cup because we are lazy to buy or wash.

Whatever we see outside we always ask the internet. If we are bored, we are on our phones. If we are outside we are looking for WIFI. Even communicating with our pals and loved ones, we look to the internet. This is how the modern world turned us into a digitized world. That is how our world goes around now. If we don’t have an internet connection as if we are naked walking or we cannot breathe. It is the digitized world’s oxygen.


This is WHERE the marketers go and evolve. The digital world is just right at your fingertips. Your smartphone is the house of this digital world and all of us have it. And that’s where the marketers want to go. Wherever the consumer or customer is, the marketer is always present. With this, the marketers will maximize their existence wherever you at. As you noticed, there are many advertisements and pop-up ads around your browser.

Being constant about your branding and campaigns is the key to engaging your customer. Brand recall is very important as this platform is vague. Marketing is the middleman between the fingertips of your customer and your product and services. Digital Marketing will connect you to your audience in the real world at the right place at the right time anywhere they at. You need to meet them virtually. That’s how things work nowadays.

The diversity of the marketing world expanded not only to its demographics but also to its platform.


Who are the players in the digital world? Who consists of the community? Who will benefit from it?

You, me and them! We are the ones who make the digital world exciting without harming the ozone layer. Kidding aside, without us, the digital world is boring. You are the target audience where then marketers want to reach. The one they want to reach for the leads and convert into sales. The one who will please purchase and or avail of the services they are offering.

I am a digital marketing expert who creates and make the world colourful and content full. We are making all the graphics, layouts, and videos for the marketer’s campaign. We are the one who does the back end to link you and the marketers together for trade and other services they are offering. Then, the marketers place the ads and sell them to you. They are the one who wants to reach you and convert you into sales.

We are the ones who are responsible to make this digital world go around. With these three team players, the digital world will be boring and it will not exist. How you will use and be interested in the digital world without the colourful and amazing graphics and campaigns? How we will make content if we don’t have you? How marketers will market without the consumer and how they will market properly with us?


Everything is digital and nice. This world is in the digital age where we have to ride, jive, and live on. If you don’t go and ride, we will crash and die. You will be eaten and defeated by those big and small team players who are riding to the innovation and update of the digital world.

This is relevantly applied to marketing as this world is revolving and earning from ads. Because digital marketing is very dynamic to every business and brand awareness. Digital content and graphics are the first and foremost key factors that catch the attention of the customer. Their attention span is short so your ads should be short but content full so you have to embrace the aspects of digital marketing. SEO and PPC are some of the great players in digital marketing aside from social media. This will surely hit your ROI as digital marketing is a very flexible, cost-efficient, and wide range of options.

No doubt that Digital World is overruling us. Before the world was the one that will fit us but now is the one who needs to fit in to enjoy the ride of life.

Even the new normal of the pandemic coronavirus changes the world’s work life and lifestyle. With this, we also adjust to the new normal and live a life in it together with our past and existing life of the new now.