Posted At: Aug 03, 2024 - 269 Views

How Often Does Google Update its Algorithm?

The world’s largest and dominating search engine “Google” constantly continues working to bring change and improve the quality of its search index. To execute it working, Google launches algorithm updates now and then, covering all search markets globally. These updates in the algorithm of Google impact the particular search engine optimization ranking of the website. Google algorithms include a complex system used to retrieve data from its search index and immediately execute the best possible results for a particular query.

In the beginning years, Google only executed a handful of updates to its algorithms, but now the figure has reached thousands of changes every year. Suppose you see the changes of the previous year that Google has made in its algorithm. Then you will notice that in the year 2019, Google made 3620 improvements in its search index, whereas, in the year 2018, there are 3234 improvements, and if we talk about average daily changes, then the number will be nine changes per day.

Possibly the information about the change in the data was revealed in the year 2010 when the leader of Google’s webspam department Matt Cutts declared that on average, 350-400 changes per year, and the numbers keep on increasing with the change in the year and still growing.

Mainly Google doesn’t execute one update a day. However, multiple updates are positioned together within one day, followed by the days without any updates. During the year, Google released multiple times its Core Update that significantly impacts the SERPs. Every SEO agency keeps on tracking the algorithm changes made by Google to execute better SEO results for their running websites.

Google has rolled out several changes in recent years, beginning with the Panda update(2011) and the last Page experience update(June 15, 2021). There is no solid number on how often Google changes its algorithm. Google will keep on updating its algorithm to make changes as it sees fit to ensure that the SERP users see are relevant, fresh, and fair to all sides.

Do all these updates matter?

Some updates are minor, and these are so light that the SEO Company considered its algorithm updates. You don’t need to worry about 3000 changes per year. What matters for an SEO specialist is to understand why ranking shifted when significant changes happen. Did you do something wrong or something Google did? You can use the Google update radar to monitor SERP movements regularly and review the movement level in the single-figure graphic that rapidly shows how much the SERPs have moved over the last 24 hours. 

Each algorithm update of Google focuses on bringing quality improvement and increasing user experience. They get changes to help search engine users search for the information they need quickly. Most Google updates focus on removing poor content and boosting the quality content that covers all users’ needs